My name is Lauren Rodriguez
and I'm twenty-four years old. I was born premature and there fore, my retinas
were destroyed, leaving me visually impaired. I can only see out of my left eye
and not very well. I don't let it get me down though. The way I look at it is, I have ROP, it doesn't have me. I'm
no different from anyone else. I just do things differently. I think of my disability as a blessing. I thank God for it
every day. I see where others cannot and where it counts the most. I see with my heart and that’s the best source of sight God could have given me.
I've been writing since I was
eleven years old and in 2005, I got my first book published. The book is called
Finding Her Courage. It can be bought either on or at Borders.
I enjoy writing and I believe
it takes you places just as easily as reading can. I want kids and teenagers
alike to read my books and find hope within them. i also hope that when people
read my books, they will be inspired and find their own courage to follow their own dreams.
I also hope that when people
read the my latest book, Kasie’s Gift, along with the book my friend, Alex and I are writing together ,they will find
their own faith in God and let him help them live the life he wants for them. I,
myself, accepted Jesus Christ into my life on May 18, and my life has never been more peaceful. I still have struggles, but I know God is there to help me and he has a plan for me. But most importantly, I know God loves me and He will never leave me.
I want kids and young adults to realize that for themselves when they read my books, along with the book Alex and I
I’ve always been influenced
by prayer throughout my life. I’ve always prayed and I know that God hears me.
He helped me through a lot of difficult times and all I had to do was pray and hand it all over to him. Once I did that, it was time to have faith and let the Father handle the rest. And I know he will in his own time. Prayer can change lives. I’ve seen it first hand and I want Him to do the same for others as well. I know God loves me, just as He loves all of us.
He has a plan for us and if we have faith and trust Him, we will never fall.